Looking for a mouse pad bigger then Razer Goliathus Extended
Like the title says, im looking for a mouse pad bigger then my current one which is the razer goliathus extended control edition. this thing is big yeah but at the 400 dpi ive been playing on since i built this (my first computer) a year ago a some change ago causes me to run into the constant problem of somehow finding my way off of my mouse pad in a single fluid motion causing my to screw up whatever im doing in game at those crucial moments. (in case anyone feels like saying it, no, i will not change my DPI, ive grown accustom too it and refuse to attempt learning a new dpi and starting from scratch) ive done some research but i was curious what other people would recommend me. if anyone knows the texture of the goliathus control edition and can recommend one bigger but with the same texture id be very interested in that. thanks in advance for any and all responses :) happy new year btw!!