Fate/Extra Great Story Bad Gameplay.
Recently I beat a game called Fate/Extra for the PSP, It's part of the Fate series which spam across anime, manga and other media, however Fate/Extra is my first contact with the Fate series, and I can confidently say I am interest into knowing more about it.
I love the story, the setting while begin set on a school is odd, I do like the holy grail with it's interesting plot points, I like almost all characters (with the exemption of that clown and Dracula), someone smarter than me can explain why the story of Fate/Extra is so good, but the fact that I was able to beat a game with terrible gameplay because of it speaks volumes for how good the story is.
Talking about gameplay, it might be one of the worst Turn base combat system I have ever played , but I will admit it's really bad in a unique way, most bad turn base JRPG fall into 2 categories, either it's TOOOOOOOO slow like most old school Turn base JRPG, in which battle animations take too long and the game's paces goes to a crawling halt or the battle system is too unbalanced and you have to grind for hours to be able to progress , Fate/Extra is neither I would go as far as to say it's bad in a fundamental level, because the other games above could be easily fixed by either making the battle animations go faster (Which you can already do with emulation) or re-balancing the game changing enemies stats to make it better game, but Fate/Extra is bad because of the simple fact that playing a rock paper scissor game, where you have to guess or look at a guide online to fight against enemies is not fun at all, you have to wonder WHO at Imageepoch or Type-moon thought this was a good idea, specially during weeks 6-8 where enemies panthers can be really complex and going through dungeons feels like a dice roll between surviving a enemy or dying to a common mob because you chose paper instead of rock.
Even with a guide looking through complex enemies panthers while having little to no clue as to what to do next is just frustrating, a guide is not only need to fight the enemies but it's necessary to progress the story correctly, having to switching between the game and my web browser every 5 seconds is not the most pleasant experience.
Going back to the positive aspect of this game, I really like the music of these game, while really short for a 20 hour long game having only 28 tracks EVERY single one of them is good, I just which it had more, because if it wasn't for that Fate/Extra could be easily be one of the best game OST of all time, every music in this game is a delight to hear, the game is also very pretty looking , being one of the best looking PSP games.
Fate/Extra fits perfectly the definition of a game with a good story and bad gameplay, and it will be the game on the top of my mind when a topic like that appears, I wouldn't judge anyone for not wanting to play this game and instead watching a gameplay on youtube or the anime adaption, I just hope the gameplay on the remake is as good as the story is because if that is the case the remake of this game will be one of the best games of 2025.