ASSim munir will never leave his post.
He is the Worst army chief Pakistan had since 1990s. All Army chiefs were corrupt in Past but they had few red lines (abduction, torture and rape of women and children) they wouldn’t cross to get an extension on looting. He is the first one that will literally do anything to prolong his stay in Power. His problem is poverty will continue to increase with Brain drain and lack of investment in due to lack of security and Kangroo courts. Poverty rate was around 36% before he came into office and now it’s above 40% According to world bank. Higher poverty rates, higher inflation and stagnant growth will lead to social unrest which will require use of more Lethal force. If Assim munir stayed in office for 5 years plus another 5 year on extension, he would have committed so many crimes to stay in power that he wouldn‘t be able to leave his post. He will be in similar predicament of Saddam, Asad, or Qaddafi. He will end up with same fate as zia, but the country will be unrecognizable from when he took over. what do you think Pakistan will look like after 10 years of Assim Munir?