LilyPichu has unfollowed Destiny on twitter and instagram today following a revenge porn lawsuit being announced by one of his victims

After 2 months of Destiny's revenge porn scandal being leaked, one of the victims went public today saying she was suing Destiny for doing revenge porn. Lily has publicly been friends with Destiny for over a decade, but unfollowed him on all platforms today. She has been getting shit for years for associating with him, looks like this was the straw that finally broke the camel's back.

As a note, this has not been the first time Destiny was accused of doing revenge porn, notably to starcraft player BlueTea 12 years ago, as well as sexually assaulting Mia Rose on stream 13 years ago

Edit: a 3rd victim has posted about destiny sending revenge porn. This time also alleging she was recorded unconsentually too. Technically his ex-wife was the first one to go public, but with no lawsuit.