As a dude, I don’t want children, never have.

I don’t want children as a male, it may sound crazy to some although I am currently 14 years old only, people will tell me I’ll change my mind when I’m older which just doesn’t make any sense. People will say stuff like ‘You don’t know true love until you have children.’ Like what?? Is having a loving spouse all of the sudden not ‘true love’? If you want children that’s fine but ever since I learned about the concept of having children and how it works (which was a couple years ago) I’ve never wanted children and not once have I ever changed my mind about it. Who knows? I might change my mind but I highly doubt it. I’ve always wanted to be married for most of my life, but have never liked the concept of having children. All your time and money goes on them and plus having a spouse to take care of seems like enough work for me, besides having a spouse seems really nice, cuddles all the time, affection, basically my dream come true. Children though? All I’ll get out of that is restless nights, a higher change of getting in debt, getting annoyed almost 24/7, etc. plus what am I gonna do after I’m done raising the kid for 18 years? Just wait until I’m old and die? No, it just seems way too time consuming. I’m gonna get married and treat my wife like a queen until my day comes. If you want kids, that’s great, good for you. I don’t hate children, not at all, it just doesn’t seem like my thing.