My (F20) boyfriend (M22) is mad that I watched a People vs Food Try not to eat Stoner Edition

So a little backstory before I met my boyfriend I used to be a recreational weed smoker and since meeting him (he apparently absolutely despises anything weed related) I’ve sadly stopped out of respect for him. We were recently watching YouTube of people trying foods and whatnot and after a while I guess he got bored and just laid down and closed his eyes, as I was scrolling I saw the PeoplevsFood try not to eat stoner edition and I clicked on it just to watch of course. When the video started playing he got really puffy and got up and just walked off without saying anything, I asked if he was alright and he said in a kind of weird tone that he was fine so I left it alone. After a while he came back and gave me the most dirtiest look saying “ why do you watch stuff like this knowing how I feel about you smoking?” I was of course confused because 1.i don’t smoke anymore and 2.i’m just watching a random video..we then get into a stupid argument about how he hates anything weed related and how stupid it makes people and that he doesn’t want me to watch any of it or speak on it around him. Me being me I laugh in his face because he’s making a huge deal out of it when all he could have said was turn it off or let it be known sooner that he was really against weed and that he doesn’t want anything of the sorts mentioned anywhere near him. What should I do? Should I apologize?