Any thoughts on this Fire Red rule set? (using rare candies)
Base rules:
- Each Pokémon that faints is considered dead and must be released or permaboxed
- You can only catch the first Pokemon you encounter in an area
- All Pokemon must be nicknamed
- Any shinies found may be caught. This Pokemon may be used, as well.
- Any Pokemon you've already caught found in the wild may be skipped for the next one.
- No Legendaries
- Gym Battle Level Cap's Brock 15/Misty 20/Surge 25/Erika 30/Koga 40/Sabrina 43/Blane 47/Giovonni 50 if the levels are raised over the cap during the Gym Battle it is not counted as breaking the rule
My rules:
- Challenge every trainer encountered
- No x-items
- Can't use rare candies until reaching a new gym