ICU kicked my ass and now I'm sad

I got my license in February, in May I got a position in the PCU in a tier 2 trauma center. In the PCU I feel decent, but we get ICU patient and will have to float to ICU from time to time. Well the other day was my first to ICU, 3 days off orientation ( 6 days total ICU experience during orientation) and I feel like I absolutely failed.

The first half of my shift was good, I only had one patient. The other one went to surgery seconds after my handoff. The problem started when he got back.

Meds were late, charting fell far behind, blood sugar checks were missed, labs weren't set.

It felt like a s*** show. I understand that you're never going to have a perfect day, but I was literally jamming all day long, 12 hours, skipping my last break.. and I still couldn't keep up with the pace.

The only thing that made the day tolerable is that nobody died and no one was in worse condition than when I got them. That and the rest of the ICU nurses were extremely helpful and supportive.

I'm just feeling down about how far I am behind the rest of them.