Help! I’ve been interviewing and have been offered two positions. Cardio/tele or PCU?
Tbh deep down I want to sort of go for the PCU position since I like the idea of having a variety of different things going on. I feel like I may just get extremely bored on a cardio/tele floor, but I’m open to both just really want to pick the one I will gain the most skills and knowledge out of honestly. The PCU position is in a smaller hospital (same hospital just different location as the other position) but the census is generally lower here due to it being such a small hospital. The leader that I met with for the PCU position seems MUCH more supportive and stressed the importance of being a true leader for her nurses. Ratio is 1:4 for PCU whereas for cardio tele it’s 1:6/7. Ideally I can see myself at some point being in an ED and I’m thinking this could be more of the experience I may need some day soon? Thoughts please!