Hello guys,
so according to this document: https://www.europeanpaymentscouncil.eu/sites/default/files/participants_export/sct_inst/sct_inst.pdf?v=1571056040
from this site: https://www.europeanpaymentscouncil.eu/what-we-do/be-involved/register-participants/registers-participants-sepa-payment-schemes
N26 was going to support SEPA Instant Payments alias SCT Inst alias SEPA Credit Transfer Instant alias real-time transactions from 11/04/2019 which was 14 days ago. Unfortunately the document wasn't updated since October. N26 support doesn't give any useful information. They say, that they are going to support it, but it's not clear when.
(I'm not talking about N26 MoneyBeam.)
Does anyone have any further details?