Annoying Tank Build For CK?
I've been playing since September on PS5 and I'm starting to get bored, so I've been trying to do more risky things like farming CK. I'm not much of a PVP player, but I'm hoping to learn.
I main with a great sword that's for Trenchant Strikes, Leeching Crosscut and Lifesteal, and it's amazing for me when soloing PVE. I also have Boltcaster and Bloodstonker, but I'm getting killed easily in CK whether I've got light or heavy armor on (but not often because I like to sneak around the place). I've been two shot a few times with a Hoplite Musket from people hiding in bushes, and I want to better my chances.
I'd love some gear and a build for when I'm in CK or flagged elsewhere that will make it really hard for anyone to take me down without putting up a bit of a fight. I want to be able to survive until they flee or at least fight back so that I don't lose all the things I'm harvesting. I've seen folks here talk about nasty builds they use to do just what I'm trying to do, and I'm hoping for some advice.