Anybody have any experience navigating Summit Health? Or work in the coding/billing dept?

Let me just start off by saying that I know I've lost and there's nothing I can do to change the past. I want to know about how to avoid muggings like this in the future.

That being said here's the story:

Every year I go to my GI for my yearly check in. I have a mild case of Ulcerative colitis. I take lialda which is prescribed by this doctor. Every year the visit includes me getting vitals from the nurse, waiting for 10 minutes for the doc, he asks "how have you been feeling this year? Are the drugs still treating you okay?" I say "pretty good, one or two flair ups but nothing debilitating. Drugs still feel good, no side effects." .... He writes me another prescription, feels my stomach a bit, checks my chest and back with a stethoscope, answers a simple question of mine if I have one, writes me an order for a stool sample and blood work and then we're gone. 10 minutes absolute tops.

I got a bill this year for $100 more with a different billing code than the previous years' checkup. So I inquire and at first the clueless customer service billing department person says it's because I was there for 30 minutes rather than 0-29 minutes. Which I say is horse fucking shit and tell them to recode it. Then I get a call today saying that it's because it was a "MORE complex visit". This lady on the phone wasn't there the day of service but she's saying it's because I got my blood work done ahead of time this year.

My bloodwork every year is fine. When I get it done AFTER the visit all I get is a message from him in the "patient portal" online saying "looks good, see you next year." Since I got it done BEFORE, he charged me for the "analysis" which was the same as every other year except he said "looks good, see you next year" in person. So if I had waited to get the bloodwork done AFTER the visit I would've gotten the same analysis except it would've been for $100 less because he would've sent it via the online portal.

Now if those words are $100 more coming out of his golden lips then so be it. It's fucking highway robbery but welcome to American healthcare. You win this round you fucking prick.

TLDR: What I'm asking is does anybody have experience navigating Summit Medical and avoiding their little unforeseeable ass fuckings like this? How was I to know any of this ahead of time? That's my problem with it. Bonus if you work at Summit and hate them as much as me and want to share some of the insider info.