When did you let your siblings and spouse’s siblings meet the baby?
I’ve been so nervous about having people meet my baby. He is currently 10 days old and the only people who have met him were my husband’s dad (mom passed away), my parents, and my grandma. We both have siblings that haven’t met our baby yet. The reason I ask this is because some of the siblings aren’t the most hygienic (always seem to be sick with something) and if I were to ask them to wear a mask or something they would consider it a capital offense or something. I’ve heard of what happens at hospitals for babies that spike a fever in the early days and it’s not pretty let alone very costly medical bills that my husband and I can’t afford.
I was able to convince my husband to at least wait another week for now, but I just needed to write this out somewhere. I’m just scared to take my baby out to see anyone no matter what his age is. 😔