How do you nerf yourself without nerfing yourself in Dominion?

I’m curious because I’m in my first campaign in forever (since before old necro died) and I’ve won 3/3 and have had major luck on dice and territories(VanSaar and my first two were tech bazaar and Archeotek device). Also feels like cash earnings steamroll when you only win as well.

So playing VS and hearing everyone saying they’re OP I tried to force sub-optimal skills on my dudes and mostly only one has even been used. Prime with Connected recently got random skill into Hip Shooting, Augmek with Fast Shot(never even used it in 3 games), Archeotek with Fixer(the only skill to see actual use), Tek Specialist with Munitioneer(hasn’t been used yet).

I gave my Augmek a plasma gun and my prime a combi melta which were the two good guns, but I purposefully built the Archeotek for melee over shooting and everyone else had lasguns so as to not be overly powered (especially since the Juves can’t get hotshot until they become specialists.

I’ve been using the discounts but also forcing sub optimal shopping to prevent going crazy with the team, but I’m curious who else has had this problem and what their path was to try and keep it fun for everyone?