My husband is thinking of staying in at the very last minute...

My husband has been in the Navy as an ET for 9 years. We have three children together. Our children are all still very young, and our oldest has intensive medical needs. My husband was about to take terminal leave in 2 weeks and be separated in March. However he made some crucial mistakes. He didn't start applying for jobs until this week. He didn't have any money set aside in savings for transitioning out of the Navy. He didn't do any networking with companies that could have hired him. He didn't do skill bridge or apprenticeship programs. And when looking for jobs He was finding that he didn't qualify for the higher paying ones and was looking at an average hourly income of about $24 $28 an hour. Right now on his salary of about $65,000 a year I am having to go to the food bank every month. We barely make ends meet now. I realized how ill prepared he was when I was helping him submit applications to jobs. He came clean and told me that we didn't have any savings like I thought we did. That he had been using it to pay off debt is what he says and it's all gone. He had also told me months before that when he got out of the Navy he would make $90,000 a year at least, But that wasn't true either. Apparently that's for electrical engineers with bachelor's degrees. I'm sorry if I sound frustrated. He's a good man who works hard, but he really dropped the ball this time with no safety net for getting out of the Navy. No backup plan for insurance, no savings, nothing.

Anyways he went to go talk to his career counselor today and they told him he could reenlist if he did it right away but he would have to take orders for Needs of the Navy. The reason I'm writing this post is to ask you all what are the chances that they send him somewhere unaccompanied? He's been on deployment before and that's no big deal for us. But two years away from the kids would be devastating for them. But I don't see another choice without literally facing homelessness. If he gets out in March our rent will be due in April still, and if he's not getting a paycheck by then we will actually be homeless. For the hot list orders I'm hoping that San Diego or even Virginia or Washington or Florida would be available. But I do understand there's a chance that he could get Bahrain or Guam. I don't know if it makes a difference but he's an E5. We can be happy anywhere, but we'd like to stay together. Okay sailors, what do you think? Is it worth the risk?

Edit to add: To the people asking if I contribute. We have a child with extensive medical needs who needs constant care. Along with managing his medical needs, appointments, and therapies I also am the stay at home mother of two younger children. I am the sole homemaker, doing all cooking, cleaning, and childcare. We joke sometimes that I have less free time than he does. At least at work he gets a lunch break, I do not. I paid into saving with my disability, and the rest went into caring for my special needs child. Even with Tricare there are significant costs. Just the gas for trips to his doctor and hospital visits can be over $400 a month.

My husband also doesn't want my help with the finances or his career as he says that's his job as a man. When I offer to help, sometimes he will reluctantly accept like when I helped him submit applications, however the majority of the time he rejects my offers to help saying that I need to trust him and let him handle it. He is very proud and independent, it is just his personality. We also do not have a joint account. I have asked but he says it's easier for him to manage money if he sends me the money I need to my personal account. So I can't even see his income, or what is being spent. I can only control what he sends me for food, household goods, gas, etc.