Roiders and fake natties have demolished the general public’s perception of what a good physique is. Remember when original Superman and spider man were considered good physiques?

Christopher Reeves and Toby Maquire had actual natural transformations. They got in shape and looked better than the average person… that’s literally what one should hope for and expect from working out,

But now we’ve all been deluded by the non-stop Hollywood super hero movie transformations. I remember watching that last Thor movie and thinking how ridiculous he looked, looked literally like a pro bodybuilder, how much shit was that dude taking?

He looked great in Thor 1. Obviously still was probably using super supplements… but he just had a beefed up kinda look. Now it’s just too over the top,

Then you have all of the online fitness “influencers” nowadays, who seem to all be on roids or are fake natties or I suppose they’d just say they are “genetically exceptional”.

It’s completely poisoned people’s minds; which is why you see people posting physiques on here everyday that they will never look like.