Best letter N song ever?

Day 13

What is the best song starting with an N?

I made a “best 500 songs” playlist a few years back out of frustration with Rolling Stone’s, and I’m still tweaking it now.

I can’t just outright ask you all to provide your own best 500 and I’ll compare it to mine, that’d be nuts, so I’m gonna ask day by day with a different letter.

If anyone wants to see the playlist and/or check if your favourites are in there then it’s here.

What is the best song ever starting with the letter N?

Day 13

What is the best song starting with an N?

I made a “best 500 songs” playlist a few years back out of frustration with Rolling Stone’s, and I’m still tweaking it now.

I can’t just outright ask you all to provide your own best 500 and I’ll compare it to mine, that’d be nuts, so I’m gonna ask day by day with a different letter.

If anyone wants to see the playlist and/or check if your favourites are in there then it’s here.

What is the best song ever starting with the letter N?