Second week of 2.5mg and I’m feeling the suppression HARD.

I have to admit, the first week I didn’t feel much suppression. I didn’t have food noise but still felt hungry often. Managed to lose 6lbs which was great.

I did my second jab last night and I have felt pretty crappy all day (absolutely not the worst but enough to make me moan) I feel as if I’ve eaten a 4 course meal and then went on to eat a takeout. I feel stuffed and nauseous and at times I genuinely think I could be sick, because it feels like I’ve eaten too much.

For reference today I’ve managed to eat 1 yoghurt for breakfast and a few mouthfuls of chicken for lunch. Not even managed 200 calories. I couldn’t even stomach dinner.

Any tips for settling a stomach?

I have to admit I am happy with this though