Monster Hunter Rise is Difficult for the Wrong Reason

As someone who has played since 4U, I've found myself putting the least of hours into MHRise (Not at Sunbreak Yet, so I can't criticize it). Comparing the LR/HR difficulty between titles I'd easily put:
MH4U > MHRise > MHGU > MHWorld, but the way MHrise is difficult feels so completely different and wrong to other monster hunter games.

The speed and tracking of these monsters is Absurd (GS Main)! Maybe it's because I have yet to unlock the counter Switch Skills, but it's absurd how impossible it feels to time my draw / TCS Attacks when monsters are shifting and moving so much. This issue is only compounded when I'm realizing how my positioning doesn't matter, because monster tracking is nuts. I can predict what ability a monster will use, and try to position myself to punish, but the monster's attack feels like a magnet homing IN. And even then, the monster will move almost immediately after, making these predictive plays feel MOOT.

IDK man, I'm not failing these quests, but the difficulty just doesn't feel inspiring and more so just frustrating. I'm healing so OFTEN, and even though its quick, all of these factors are just turning me off.

It's a skill issue for sure, but jeez this is fast paced