Could there be a reason why we haven’t seen Rathalos?
I mean he was shown from a far away shot from the teaser, and we saw is armor and sns, but we haven’t gotten gameplay of him or even a closer shot of him in trailers. I thought about maybe two reasons of why this is the case.
One being that they changed his pattern of move set or updated his looks, an example would be rise where he lands more frequently and mixes up a little.
The other possible reason I can think of is that guardian rathalos gets revealed first in the story, and they don’t want to keep everyone guessing he is just regular rathalos before revealing its true nature. I am basing this off a comment that rathian weapons branch of guardian rathalos which I don’t know if it’s completely outdated info or completely wrong.
2A. If guardian rathalos is first to appear, could it be that rathalos as we know is stronger, I mean who is to say that the ancient civilization perfected every monster, not necessarily all variants should be stronger than their counterparts, maybe rathalos evolved as a species or even the guardian rathalos is a prototype or one of the first to be made hence weaker.
If I ended up rambling and overthinking it is because I have not seen people have this discussion, and it kind of ate at my head while I’m waiting for the release.