Heart and Soil - Her Package - Does it work?

Not really a moderately granola mom but seeking advice from this community. Long story short, I’ve been TTC for 9 months and have never had a positive test. Went off hormonal BC in March 2024 and have had irregular cycles since. I have been able to confirm ovulation through BBT/LH strips. Cycles have been 33, 47, 33, 33, 51, and 62 days. I’ve tried pretty much everything under the sun to increase my chances (lifestyle changes, prenatals, sex on peak days) and I want to know if H&S is a scam. I’m seeing mixed reviews. My best friend got pregnant on the first try after using half the dosage of these supplements for 1 month. Not sure if it’s a coincidence. I’ve been taking the supplements for 3ish weeks now and hoping it can at least make my cycle regular. Can anyone offer their personal experience or advice? I’m feeling desperate at this point lol