En bloc clip woes
I am wondering if anybody else has as much trouble with en bloc clip fed rifles as I do. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
First is my Steyr M95/30 - Originally I purchased some repro clips for it. It will accept the clip, feed the first round, and then not advance the next round it gets stuck and the only way to advance the round is to hit the rounds with a punch from the bottom. So then I paid the extra money to get original Hungarian clips. These work slightly better, but I inevitably run into the same issue. It doesn't happen every single time with the second round but it will usually happen with one of the five. With the Hungarian clips they don't get stuck badly enough where it requires a punch and I am usually able to manipulate the clip/fenagle with it enough to reposition and advance to the next round.
Then my recently acquired Berthier Carbine - It is an M16 conversion with a 5 round magazine. Originally I purchased an original 3 round magazine because I couldn't find an original 5 rounder. With the 3-round clip it will feed the first round and then after extraction will eject the whole clip upward. I finally found an original 5-rounder for sale and bought that. Now when I try to insert the clip it just gets stuck. It seems the tip of the middle bullet will get caught on the forward part of the magazine. I have to take out the first two rounds to get the clip to be unstuck and then after that it seems to feed the rest okay.
Thankfully no issues with the Carcano though.
Am I doing something wrong here? Do en bloc clip rifles just suck? Do I keep getting unlucky and buying shitty clips?