can't do it anymore.

I used to watch Michel pretty religiously, a few years ago. Back when she first started and when her and Brook were still good, then I watched through the divorce, post-divorce, and I slowed down and eventually stopped after Jordy. I didn't really love how naive and out of touch she was, and how tone deaf & unaware of her privilege she was..

I recently started watching again, although now I'm unsure why; I thought certainly by NOW she's straightened out, and someone has made her aware of herself, and she's changed right? boy was I wrong.

at this point, i am getting angry watching. i cannot sit here, as i am unable to feed myself, as i am unable to cover my rent - literally the cheapest rent in the world at 300 bucks, as i am unable to get things I need to survive, having to swallow my pride and make a gofundme while watching Michel have/have access to more money than what she knows to do with, blowing it on 10 dollar matcha drinks, loads and loads of material, worthless, one use items, things or she doesn't need.

I cannot be dealing with inability to get unemployment or ebt while she insinuates that IKEA is for The Poors, and dumps money into a shit house as if money isn't even a thing & it doesn't matter to her. jokes on her, i've never even been to IKEA.

& it not the fact that she has money that's the problem; i watch many youtubers that i love & are very wealthy. but they're aware of their privilege. they're aware that its not the norm , and that most of their viewers cannot relate. a good portion of them give back to their viewers as well...

does this make me a bad person? or like.. AITA here? idk. it just really really bothers me, and i just cannot watch it anymore.