Switch to med school from law school?
Has anyone decided to study med after having studied law? I’m 27 just graduated from law and I’m great at it. I never thought I was smart enough to do med, as I never learnt chemistry and at the time wasn’t interested in med. However, having achieved high marks in law, I feel a lot more confident in my abilities. My interests and passions have also changed. I would love to study medicine, I love science, am passionate about helping people and find that truely fulfilling. Am I too old to start over? I have student debt and need a stable income, so not sure if commencing med is worth it due to practical constraints.
For those who switched, what were some similarities and differences you noticed between med and law?
Edit: Remember, I’m still at the phase where I’m thinking if this is something I want to fully immerse myself in due to age, debt, stable income etc.
Didn’t expect this to blow up so much. The intended purpose of my post wasn’t a discussion of “do you think my reasons are sufficient for admission to MD” so thus I did not put forth a whole argument of my reasoning. My full rational is also not something I want to post publicly.
Edit, decision: I’ve decided to see if a career in law is fulfilling first and do my best to help people as a lawyer. MD is not an easy path - average 10 years, the study, and comments such as the culture, work hours, missing important family and social events, “grass is always greener”, etc, so I ought to be sure. If after a few years in law and seeing if my passions and goals can’t fit elsewhere, that I find MD is my life’s true calling and fulfilment, I’ll explore pursuing it then.
I probably should’ve mentioned I would pursue a MD with a scholarship, however, I still have my previous student debt which would accumulate with fees. Financially speaking, it would be years before I receive a stable income if I went back to studying. I took a step back and considered what I wanted my overall life to look like. Even tho I feel I could really help people with MD (inclusive of good hand-eye coordination with strong focus, good at critical thinking, problem identification and problem solving from law school, ability to communicate and empathise patients families going through similar situations I did, communication skills. Note- as I said I didn’t feel necessary to list my reasons why, this is not an exhaustive list. This is a reddit post, NOT an interview so please don’t come at me for this. I just thought I’d provide some more context). I decided to see if I can achieve my goals of helping people without undertaking the enormous journey of MD. Although, I am sad I won’t get to build on my physical skills, as I feel this is untapped talent and want to help people as a doctor. Although acknowledge I can still make a positive difference in people’s life’s through other means.
Appreciate all the potential law career suggestions aligned with my objectives and interests to consider and explore.
Thanks to everyone who shared their stories about switching to med, especially from all ages. It’s truely wonderful to hear people chasing their dreams. I wish you all the best with your MD journey.