Could the Reapers have been beaten conventionally? (spoilers for Mass Effect 3)

We know that in Mass Effect 3 even the full forces you can bring to bear isn't enough to beat the Reapers (If you reject all the Catalysts choices at the end - the battle plays out and you lose). However it looks like from the lore and assorted info you gather that this cycle really gave them a run before being wiped out.

I wonder if as soon as Shepard learned of the Reapers the Galaxy had spent 3 years preparing could they have beaten the Reapers through strength of arms?

I like to think that if the Batarians had not been wiped out, Cerberus brought to heel (or even to help), and some semblance of galactic unity achieved that this cycle could have bested them. Perhaps even without the Krogan Cure or Geth Integration.

Curious on people's thoughts!