The Quarian admirals are idiots!
Garrel is the worst! This guy is the literal poster child of a bonehead!
His justification for wanting to go to war with the Geth is "We have the largest fleet in the galaxy and we are doing nothing with it".
Erm... Hello! Has it occured to him that the Quarian fleet is literally housing their ENTIRE civilian population?!! Its not like the Turians that still have their homeworld and colonies. They can afford to lose and entire fleet and still recover. If the Quarians lose even just their liveships, that it! Their entire species is doomed to extinction!
And what a great time they pick for their war with the Geth. Right in the middle of a damn Reaper invasion... The first time i saw that, my reaction was literally: "This cant be right... They can not be that fucking dumb, can they?"
Assuming hypothetically that the Quarians win without Shepards interference. What fuckin use is reclaiming your homeworld if the Reapers are just going to exterminate you pretty soon any way?!! So what? You get to have your homeworld back for a few years before the Reapers sweep in and blow everything to shit?
The guy literally orders the Migrant fleet to blow away the Geth Dreadnought with Shepard and Tali on board. So okay, lets say he has no reason to care about Shepard. As far as Garrel is concerned, he/she is just some human. And Legion is a Geth. But Tali is a fellow member of the Admiralty Board, and the daughter of his former best friend! And lets not even talk about the asset that the Geth Dreadnought could have been in the war against the Reapers. Besides the Reapers themselves, it was the most advanced ship in the galaxy. But of course, Garrel completely disregards the larger war against the Reapers. He is so fuckin short sighted, he just sees a vulnerable enemy that he can destroy.
And then, at the end of the Battle of Rannoch, this idiot insists on ordering the Migrant Fleet to continue bombarding the Geth even AFTER the Reapers control of the Geth is broken, and there is finally a chance for true peace between the Quarians and the Geth. Which results in either the Quarians or the Geth getting exterminated.
Garrel is pretty much the de facto sole leader of the Migrant Fleet. Because Raan is a fuckin pussy. She never stands up to any of the other admirals, which means Garrel with his moronic gung-ho attitude gets to do what ever he pleases. And Xen is more of a Nazi AI programmer then an admiral. So long as she gets to experiment on the Geth, she does not care about anything else.
Korris is the only one that opposes Garrels warmongering, but also lacks the stomach for his position. He wants to save everyone, and in war, that is just not an option. He would gladly throw his life away to save a few civilians and leave the entire civilian fleet leaderless, and Garrel again doing what ever the hell he pleases. Korris should have been a doctor, not an admiral.
So basically you have an entire admiralty board that is practically useless and one idiot that pretty much commands the entire species. The only admiral worth anything is Tali, and even that is the result of Shepards interference (without it Tali whould have been exiled).
Its no wonder that the conflict between the Quarians and the Geth is finally resolved favourably if Korris is not allowed to throw away his life and Raan finally for once decides to stand up to Garrel and lends her authority to Shepard.