Maelon's Data vs. Collector Base
Something that bugs me about ME2 is how the game handles what to do with Maelon's data and the fate of the Collector Base. Both choices concern a similar subject matter, do the ethics behind gathered data make the data itself too unethical to use? The thing is, the game itself goes back and forth on what it views as paragon or renegade. For Maelon's data, the paragon choice is to save the data, that way the Krogan that died to his experiments didn't die in vain, while renegade Shepard claims that the data is too dangerous and came at too great a cost to consider keeping. Now, fast forward to the final mission, Shepard is all set to blow the base when TIM tells him to set off a pulse to save the tech instead. Now, it's seen as paragon to view the information as too costly to consider saving, and renegade to want to use it so the colonists didn't die in vain. It seems completely contradictory to me. Is there something I'm missing here?