Does Humanity's Integration Timeline in Mass Effect Feel Too Short?

One of the major themes in Mass Effect is humanity’s status as a relative newcomer to the galactic community. However, I’ve always felt that the 26 years between first contact and the start of the first game is way too short for how humanity’s relationship with aliens is presented.

For example, Shepard was only three years old when first contact occurred, yet they seem completely familiar with aliens. Alenko, meanwhile, was trained by a turian mercenary just a few years after humans first met turians and became aware of living alien species. Humanity seems fully integrated into galactic society—there are long-term human agents on Noveria and in C-Sec on the Citadel. That level of trust and cooperation feels strange, as you’d think it would take much longer for other species or institutions to place humans in such high-level positions.

We also never see a human encountering an alien for the first time or being confused by galactic institutions. After only 26 years, you’d expect most humans—aside from diplomats and officials—to have limited or no experience with aliens. (Granted, the game focuses on military and political figures, so this might explain the bias.) Still, the narrative feels like we’re at least two or three generations post-contact, with humanity no longer concerned with understanding galactic culture but rather finding its place within it.

What do you think? Does the timeline work for you, or does it feel rushed?