Anyone else think anchor beings are stupid?

I doubt it’s a hot take as such but really the concept seems dumb… So all of a sudden anchor beings are the basis of each and every timeline?! What about the fact the universe has been around for billions of years and will be (irl at least) for many more, so how can one person, who at most, like wolverine, lives for ~200 years, allow the universe to exist. Is everything scientists know about the universe wrong in the MCU? Do the creators of the MCU expect us all to accept that every universe will degrade in a few years? How can you say a single person is inexplicably linked to the survival of something so grand. Personally, I would make it so anchor beings are either just ignored or are shown to be a mistaken view as I don’t think they work. What do you think? Sorry now if this sounds more like a rant, just wanna know if I’ve missed something.

Edit: wanna add for all the people who say it’s ‘satire’… I’m not disagreeing, maybe it is, but if so that’s the problem. We went from a time where shit meant something up until endgame and for some few films after, and now apparently the premise of a film is a ‘joke’. Definitely out of the golden age now