Storm and Wolverine should be Vanguards.

Storm is a literal force of nature, her as a Duelist just feels wrong in my opinion.

If I was to rework her into a Vanguard, I'd change some of her abilities.

Primary - Goddess Lightning: Storm shoots a chain of lightning from her hand, this has to be accurately aimed with your reticle on the enemy. The longer the chain is on the enemy, the more damage it does. 30 meter range.

Secondary - Heavenly Strike: A Cloud forms and strikes an area of Storm's choosing within 20 meters electrifying the ground in a 15 meter radius for 5 second, Enemies walking over this area will take damage over time, enemies in the AOE for 3 seconds will get stunned. Enemies hit directly by the initial strike will get stunned immediately.

Ability 1 - Whirlwind: Storm can summon and place up to 2 whirlwinds that knock back enemies. Whirlwinds also cause incoming fire to ricochet back. Again, enemies hit by the whirlwinds will be knocked back with 10 damage. However with allies it acts as a Jump Pad, boosting them upwards. Whirlwinds last 8 seconds each with a 15 second cooldown.

Ability 2 - Chilling Sleet: Storm creates a patch of ice on the ground that cause enemies to lose traction and slide. Lasts 3 seconds

Ultimate: Stays the same as it is.

Wolverine can stay the same pretty much.

Storm is a literal force of nature, her as a Duelist just feels wrong in my opinion.

If I was to rework her into a Vanguard, I'd change some of her abilities.

Primary - Goddess Lightning: Storm shoots a chain of lightning from her hand, this has to be accurately aimed with your reticle on the enemy. The longer the chain is on the enemy, the more damage it does. 30 meter range.

Secondary - Heavenly Strike: A Cloud forms and strikes an area of Storm's choosing within 20 meters electrifying the ground in a 15 meter radius for 5 second, Enemies walking over this area will take damage over time, enemies in the AOE for 3 seconds will get stunned. Enemies hit directly by the initial strike will get stunned immediately.

Ability 1 - Whirlwind: Storm can summon and place up to 2 whirlwinds that knock back enemies. Whirlwinds also cause incoming fire to ricochet back. Again, enemies hit by the whirlwinds will be knocked back with 10 damage. However with allies it acts as a Jump Pad, boosting them upwards. Whirlwinds last 8 seconds each with a 15 second cooldown.

Ability 2 - Chilling Sleet: Storm creates a patch of ice on the ground that cause enemies to lose traction and slide. Lasts 3 seconds

Ultimate: Stays the same as it is.

Wolverine can stay the same pretty much.