ID on Mantis? New keeper!
Hello new Subreddit! Came on here both to introduce myself and also get some help with IDing what type of Mantis I have. My aunt had a wild pair breed in her indoor sunroom after the female had been living there a while, and she forgot to put the Ootheca outside (mom laid it in her blinds lmao) so it hatched just a few days ago.
I took one of the MANY babies (fingers crossed I got a female, but I won’t be mad either way.) and decided to keep it since I’ve always wanted a pet mantis, and my aunt and uncle are still trying to find homes for the rest anyway. We live in Michigan, if that helps with species ID at all.
The pictures here are of the two parents after their natural deaths after mating (both survived, which is unusual to me) and of the little nymph I currently have. I have a 4.5 gallon terrarium set up out of an unused fishtank that I think should be adequate until the Mantis reaches near adulthood and have been diligently doing research on how to best care for my fascinating new friend! I’m going out today to get wingless fruit flies to feed it, and that will be the plan until it gets big enough to start tackling house moths and crickets or mealworms. Tips are appreciated! v^