What do you tell family
I just saw the fam for the holiday and everyone could not stop talking about how good I look. My mom especially was flabbergasted by the amount of weight I had lost. For reference I’ve gone from 187 to 155 lbs since the middle of August by being in a calorie deficit. She keeps asking me how I did it and what’s my secret but for some reason I’m embarrassed to say that I just sort of stopped eating whatever I wanted and started weighing all my food? Like idk why it’s embarrassing to admit that I realized I was overweight and didn’t/dont want to be anymore. I was getting flustered talking about it. Does that make sense? I know there’s no issue in telling the truth but it’s just not a conversation I’m interested in having. What do you guys tell people in situations like this?
EDIT: omg I have laughed, cried, hardcore nodded in agreement 10000x over now. Seriously thank you all so much for your words of encouragement and advice. I wish I could respond to each one. This community has been so helpful during my journey and best of luck to everyone else (especially if your family is like mine haha). I feel so much better now!!! THANK YOU AGAIN