To the dark SUV that dented my car tonight

I have your license plate, you’ve been reported to the police, and I will be filing charges if you’re caught. Florida plate, CYU1617 or CYUI617.

The story:

While waiting at a double left turn lane intersection, I was in the right of the two left lanes at the front of the queue and the vehicle described was in the left lane (the only vehicle in the queue due to the amount of ice on that side). A police car with its emergency lights and siren approached behind the other vehicle (presumably because there was only one vehicle on that side) and after a few moments blasted its horn to indicate that it really needed that SUV to move. It was clear the other vehicle wasn’t going to move, so after a few more moments I pulled in front of it as much as I could without entering oncoming traffic to clear my lane for the officer. To be clear, there was no room to the right due to plowed snow for me to get out of the way on that side. Our light remained red for another 20 seconds or so and the SUV driver decided to honk at me for apparently being in THEIR way even though the light was still red and I could not move my vehicle anywhere. Once the light turned green I proceeded and got back in my intended right lane. The SUV sped up and the passenger threw something at my vehicle hard enough to leave a small dent. I yelled at them and chased them enough to get their plate until I could get to safety to inspect my vehicle. I will find you. You will be brought to justice.