LFO Show Cause Hearing in Washington State

Hello, this is my first ever post! I need some advice, please! I have an upcoming court date for a show cause hearing regarding my court fines in a case from 2017. A summarized back story.. I was using drugs and involved in stupid stuff for 12 years, ended up in prison in 2017. Which I have $16,000-ish in restitution to pay plus interest. I got pregnant in 2022 and had my daughter in February of 2023. I have been clean ever since. I have been doing everything I can to better my life and things are going great! I also started paying on my fines. I'm supposed to pay $100/month. I cannot afford that, so I pay whatever I can! Today I found out that I have a hearing on July 23rd because I haven't been making my full monthly payment. I'm wondering if there is a way to reduce the interest or if there is anything I can do in this situation?! Thank you in advance!
