Tr*mp’s inauguration is incredibly insulting to MLK

I don’t need to write a whole essay why, but if you’re ignorant and living under a rock Trmp is everything MLK jr standed up against. Trmp going into office for a THIRD time today on MLK jr Day while also having 34 counts of criminal charges and many of which are SA, and STILL being able to run for the elction funded by billionaires who share his ideology IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Not to mention him being a historically bigoted, misogynistic and narcissistic asshole. He is not fit to serve us as prsident and never has been and will only lead us to downfall. Also I had to censor so many words and repost 3 times because the auto mods keep taking it down which makes no sense to me and feels like our voices are getting silenced. We won’t stay silent and we won’t stand down