Motivation for YOU: One of the craziest game I've ever witnessed could help you to improve your mentality ingame
Hey guys!
I didn't just want to show you my craziest game that I ever played at this game. I mainly wanted to ask you questions. A lot of questions. And to show you how to win games even with the worst odds.
First comes first: When my team and I were in Champ Select, Riot decided to randomly destroy the server. Because of that, my WHOLE team wasn't able to swap summoner spells, configure runes nor doing anything except chatting. I thought I had to dodge because my Mid Ahri had Smite but I got an Error so many times that I just couldnt press the "X" button on the corner.
Well, there we went into the game.My Team: Singed, Karthus, Ahri, Tristana, Leona.Their Team: Camille, Nocturne, Vladimir, Ezreal, Morgana.Starting with wrong runes and an Ahri having Smite. All good - we thought. Just try to play it. Maybe we can still take our chance to win.
Aaaand we had a rough start. Botlane died before I finished my first jungle pathing and Ahri was disconnecting with a Ping of 72, but managed to come back. Lvl 4 I tried to fight their Lvl 3 Nocturne and I was like "Wtf? I have FREAKING COMET ON KARTHUS???". Yeah, so I was able to kill him but got killed too. Afterwards the next bad thing happened: Ahri disconnected. But now she didn't come back. Spoiler: For the whole game.
The enemy had a gold lead of around 1000 gold at Minute 10. At this point: Everyone in my team was probably like "Ye, let's ff, right?". Luckily, and maybe this was the "gameplay"-reason why we didn't give up, Nocturne and Morgana tried to Duo Drake, getting pretty low and Noc also didn't had an upgrade on Smite while I already had one. I was able to steal the Drake and almost to get a Double Kill. Then I immidiately went Midlane and tried to farm up, but Vladimir just ran it down (?!), got hit by all of my Q's without doing anything and died.
He asked "Will you FF?" right after his - I would say "questionable" play. THEN, right in this moment, the game told us that we would be able to resign and to safe some valueable lifetime...right?But we didn't. The enemies made so many mistakes in this short time that we were starting to become pretty confident. To win this game. This game while being one man down and with completely wrong runes AND them having a gold lead. Just because they somehow stopped to concentrate or because we were able to realise that we are just the way better players.
What happened next? Botlane smurfed on them, getting double kills after double kills. My Top 1v1ed and 1v2ed them easily while I got every objective, counterjungled easily and killed Vladimir AND Noc over and over (also with a perfectly roaming Singed). It felt like they only played with 4 and we would have played with 7-8 on our team. We didn't only win teamfights or outplayed them. We STOMPED them. We stomped them SO HARD, that they got Objective Bounties right after Minute 14!
First they were in disbelief and said "Are we just gonna lose a 5v4 with a lead?". This gave us more confidence and more power. It felt like Riot made a Challenge for our mentality and as a compensation, they buffed our champs to oneshot everyone of them. They had literally zero chance to win the game. We were also able to Duo Baron around minute 20-21. While we were pushing ourselves and seeing them flame in all chat, we knew it was just a matter of time when we will finally push it to the finish line, to their Nexus. They even ASKED for us to end the game.
We were able to easily close the game after 25 Minutes. 4v5. With really horrible odds. But how were we able to do so? Did Riot really buff our champs for the game? Well, I believe that the main reason for this win was our mentality and the feeling that there could be a realistic chance for a win, a hard but deserved win. We were playing so well, had great catches, teamfights and macro-gameplay and absolutely smurfed the s*** out of the enemies. It was only an Emerald game but it felt like my team was made out of Challenger Players and their team out of First Timers.
So when you start a game and it doesn't look great, your comb doesn't have the best chemistry and you are maybe behind: Just remember that there is a possibility that you can win EVERY game. Maybe the possibility is small, but how small would you assume were the chances to win this game?
Stay positive and try to give your best. Be confident, but focussed. As you see often: It's always one of the keys for success and for winning games - also your ones.
Have a great second Split and a great climb!Greetings, Urquharts