Worshipping of Christ: Am I Overreacting?
Hello, I am engaged to be married and sealed in the temple in about one month. However, a topic of conversation with my fiance last night brought up something that has me bothered. My fiance said that we (as a Church) do not worship Christ. I gave him several articles from the Church to him that say yes, we do worship both Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
He insists that the definition of worship is only prayer. That since we do not pray to Christ, then we must not worship him. I pointed out those Church articles again that go into more depth on what constitutes worshipping Christ, but he wasn't having it. I eventually asked him, "if someone on the street asked if Mormons worshipped Christ, what would you say?" He responded "I'd say no."
I am super stressed about him saying that we don't worship Christ. If we don't worship Christ, what's the point of the Sacrament or Temple? Why should we get sealed if Christ isn't worth my fiance's worship?
My fiance attends all his meetings, recently got his temple recommend, and seems to believe in all other doctrines.
This topic has really shaken me on whether or not I should marry him. Should I reevaluate our relationship over this disagreement? Or am I overreacting?