How do you defend the Book of Abraham?
I am sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this. For context I am a non-Mormon but out of sheer curiosity I agreed to meet with Mormon missionaries who knocked on my door and we ended up having a long discussion mostly around the Book of Mormon and other additional Smith-originated canon. I've agreed to meet with them again this coming week and they're bringing someone from the congregation who they say is more knowledgeable of the apologetics side of things.
I thought I'd steelman some of the Mormon position in advance, and I am trying to be open minded about this. I'd like to clarify I have no hostility to the LDS church or Mormons, on the contrary I have a very high regard for you lot as a people and religious group, and I like the values and lifestyle the church promotes. However, with the title of this post in mind, how on earth do you defend the Book of Abraham? Even the official LDS church website post about it is quite vague when the entire scholarly consensus is "the papyri it was allegedly translated from definitively does not say what Smith says it says"
I imagine given the church's high emphasis on academia and education there are probably some very indepth defences of the BoA and how Smith allegedly translated it from the papyri in his possession, but I'm not finding them easily while googling about and I'm not aware of any Mormon apologetics YouTubers or something of that sort like exists for say, mainstream Christianity or Islam. If anyone would like to point me to these that'd be great, or iterate the defence themselves! Cheers. I am willing to watch long videos/read long papers btw.