It’s hard seeing peers be so against the church
I’m 23, and with social media I see so many people my age leave the church or will be actively speaking against it. And I get it, everyone will have their own opinion.
I’m extremely firm in my beliefs. But there are times when I find myself annoyed knowing I’m in the minority in this age range. Just in this month I’ve declined two parties because I knew they would only be drinking. Which truly does not bother me. Ive been around drunk friends and would much rather have a nice evening to myself.
What bothers me is that I’m so open to treating everyone equally. I do not care how people want to live their life. I will be friends with anyone regardless of religion, sexuality, race, or political standing. But I will see and hear people say “I could never be friends with a Mormon”
I knew when I got back into the church at age 21 it would be a big commitment at this age. And I don’t regret it one bit. It’s just sad to see satans influence on the world.
My best friend that I’ve had for years will repost things on tiktok of silly videos bashing conservatives and “Mormons” and she’s never expressed this is in person but I hate knowing that that’s how she and so many people feel.
I’ve had beautiful happy friends that left the church and within 2 years their mental and physical health drastically decline.
I just don’t see how these people can be so blind to how they’re living! And how hypocritical it is to say “treat everyone equal” and then bash the church.
Sorry this was just a vent.