I struggle with endowment sessions. Any tips?

Ok first off, I am not putting the endowment session down. There is a lot i love, especially now with the new changes in wording and some structure. It's just, not only am I separated from my husband for over an hour during the session, but hearing the same thing over and over again is hard for me. I have ADHD so that might have something to do with it. Not to mention I still don't fully understand all the symbolism of the ceremonial clothing and what is done during the ceremony (and I'm not asking you to reveal that here either).

When I went in for the first time, I was a little confused. I went along with it and kept the faith that there was meaning and purpose in the ceremony. I still strive to keep learning, but where do I turn when there are questions I can't really ask outside the temple?

Also I do understand I'm doing proxy work for those who have died whenever I go, so there is meaning there, but I'm an imperfect mortal who doesn't know how to make the endowment more meaningful when I can't really ask about everything and can't write things down while in there.

Tips? Resources? Suggestions?