I told him..

And it went fucking horribly. At first, I thought it would go well because he said "thank you for being honest with me". And I was relieved. But then, his questions started coming in and accusations started. He told me I couldn't love him and be gay. I tried telling him love isn't black and white. He told me that I must've cheated because how else would I come to this conclusion? He told me this was a slap to his face as a man, and he wasn't about to feel cucked.

We talked for hours, and I don't know what happened... he drilled it into my head that I shouldn't split up our family for my own selfish thoughts. And then I spent a lot of time convincing him I still love him... he said "you're not gay. You can't be gay and be with me. There is no gay."

He told me he's going to have a lot of doubts and fears, maybe for years. And I sheepishly went along with it all. I'm embarrassed. I don't know what happened. But suddenly I guess I'm not gay and I'm still in a hetero relationship... I figured it wouldn't go well. But I didn't think I'd be shoved back in the closet as forcefully as I was. I'm at a loss. And I don't feel okay about this.