UPDATE post new vet and testing
Update to my previous post:
Our little guy went for testing today. We were very hopeful but still worried about the outcome because lately we’ve had an influx of bad days with only a few decent days sprinkled in. All test results were normal. They did blood work, X-rays, and another scan and it was all within normal ranges. They’re thinking he just has a severe anxiety disorder and when anything, big or small, happens out of the norm it’s sending him into a literal spiral. We were told as he gets older and bigger we will probably want to look into medicating him for it but as he’s still so young, it’s not possible right now. We were told to start giving him 1/2 a benedryl at night to help him ease into sleep because we’ve had more than a couple nights that he’s stayed up all night, unresponsive to outside distractions, and pacing his bed or kennel. We already stick to a pretty solid routine as we work from home and have kids at school, so we’re going to try to stick to it and not deviate as much as possible. They think he may have had a possible brain trauma from the bite he got on his eye area just before we got him, and the episodes are just a side effect of that. They said he may grow out of it or it could continue for his whole life, all of it is just hard to know for sure being that he is only 15 weeks old.
Update to my previous post:
Our little guy went for testing today. We were very hopeful but still worried about the outcome because lately we’ve had an influx of bad days with only a few decent days sprinkled in. All test results were normal. They did blood work, X-rays, and another scan and it was all within normal ranges. They’re thinking he just has a severe anxiety disorder and when anything, big or small, happens out of the norm it’s sending him into a literal spiral. We were told as he gets older and bigger we will probably want to look into medicating him for it but as he’s still so young, it’s not possible right now. We were told to start giving him 1/2 a benedryl at night to help him ease into sleep because we’ve had more than a couple nights that he’s stayed up all night, unresponsive to outside distractions, and pacing his bed or kennel. We already stick to a pretty solid routine as we work from home and have kids at school, so we’re going to try to stick to it and not deviate as much as possible. They think he may have had a possible brain trauma from the bite he got on his eye area just before we got him, and the episodes are just a side effect of that. They said he may grow out of it or it could continue for his whole life, all of it is just hard to know for sure being that he is only 15 weeks old.