Are white men/non-black men afraid to date outside their race because of family values or opinions?

Growing up, I liked all different kinds of boys bc my community was very diverse and they liked me too. But the older we got, it seemed like certain non-black boys didn’t want to associate w the black girls anymore. It was weird bc we all grew up together, went to each other houses, played games, wrestled, bday parties and first crushes.. all that. Then when we got to high school, the white boys only dated the white girls.

I remember when I was in 5th or 6th grade, me and this Greek boy had a crush on each other, but he wrote me a note saying he couldn’t like me anymore bc his family didn’t want him to like a black girl.

So my question is, how much does family influence your preferences? If at all. Or is it really just “growing out” of a phase.