How do I avoid food poisoning as a tourist?

I am going to visit northern India in a month. The only problem is, that I am very paranoid about getting food poisoning. First, I wanna say, that I don’t want to insult anyone with this post. I don’t think that India is unhygenic, I just know that europeans are weak lol. I‘m already a vegetarian, so I will not be eating meat or fish. I also know about the cook it, peel it or forget it rule considering fruits & vegetables. I also know about not drinking water & ice. But I‘m still unsure about a few things. For example, are fruit juices & lassis fine or are they risky too bc they could be made with water? Is rice safe to eat? Ik that rice can have very bad bacteria if left without cooling for 1-2 days, so I am curious, if rice is safe or if I should stick to Naan. But then again, Naan isn’t warmed up so that could also be a problem. Are things made from dairy safe? Lastly, I read somewhere that dishes washed in dirty water can be problematic too. How can I avoid that? I‘d be happy about some tips! Thanks in advance :)