Subreddit Update Regarding Tenma Discussions

Hi Folks!

Just a quick update on the state of the subreddit. As you may have noticed there's been an increase in discussions around the character of Tenma. Whilst you're of course welcome to discuss your favourite characters, or critique the show, this has now reached a point of becoming overly repetitive and argumentative.

As such, we've decided to put a stop to these kinds of posts for the foreseeable future.

This isn't because we as the moderators like or dislike Tenma (speaking for myself, I'm just indifferent to the guy) but instead because we want the subreddit to remain a place for civil and varied discussion.

From this point forward any posts/comments containing excessive, unreasonable, potentially toxic negativity/positivity towards Tenma will be be removed until we decide otherwise. We are aware this may seem like a drastic move but we feel it is a key step to making the sub the place we want it to be for people.

Thank you for your cooperation!