does anyone else get hot flashes after eating?
Not the kind that makes you sweaty, but the kind where your whole body just feels hot and uncomfortable, like there is a heat under your skin. i feel like this after eating big meals especially like 30mins after eating meals. also lightheadedness, and a heavy feeling in my whole body. its so uncomfortable. no amount of water or anything i do seems to make it go away. it just has to pass on its own. small meals for others feel like huge meals for me. i also have incredibly bad trapped gas in my stomach, it feels like it travels all around my abdomen even my chest sometimes. i feel like its because of my (really severe) scoliosis, because i didnt start dealing with ibs till my scoliosis started progressing, and with the progression of my back the progression of my ibs worsens with it. but yeah, hot flashes like this for anyone else?