Are people wash their whole body with soap after bowel movement?

I shower every day, but the day when I have a bowel movement I wash my whole body with soap

but I feel it takes so long > The whole shower lasts around 1 hour and 30 minutes on those days

Or is it just me taking too long soaping myself?

The reason I wash my whole body with soap is that the toilet and shower are super near each other, and I watch the clip that shows the toilet splash so much when flushing, so I don't think I can evade those splashes that mean toilet water should get on me

//This is real, I think I have OCD(?) I try to reduce the time I spend showering. pooping I think I take it normal time. the real problem is with the showering. i try changing my mindset by thinking like "if those dirty area get soap, then it fine now." but that didn't stop me from trying to soap myself until there is a foam all over my body. and when I washing the soap I making sure the water directly hit all the area on my body.