Showering every day?

Putting these edits at the top, so hopefully you read them before everything else.

Edit: this is written in response to posts made by people who genuinely don’t know how to have proper hygiene. If you already have a system in place that works for you, I’m not telling you to stop showering

Edit: weather is part of your circumstances and still does not apply to everybody

Edit 3: omg for all the people sharing how they enjoy showering every day for whatever reason, this post is obviously not for you!! The point is, it’s okay to have your own routine but don’t judge other people for theirs

Almost everyone on this sub recommends to shower daily, maybe even multiple times a day, or else people WILL smell you. I just think that’s unnecessary and probably causing unnecessary insecurities. Unless you’re sweaty for some reason, or they have unusually strong noses, people honestly won’t smell you. Most people I know don’t shower daily and it’s never been noticeable. I think it’s pretty common and just fine to shower every other day or every third day, depending on what you’re doing.

I think the important thing to understand is that it depends on your current situation. You spent all day working outside? Shower. On your period? Shower more often. Sometimes even being stagnant (on the couch, laying in bed) all day generates sweat and you might need a shower. It’s all about knowing your body and recognizing when you need it. If you struggle with this, then you probably should be showering more often than you think.

But in general, showering every day can even be bad for you! It dries out your skin, especially if you’re using soap every time.

Another thing I don’t see too many people mention is that if you’re worried about people smelling you, remember that also has a lot to do with your clothes and hair! Wearing clean clothes and washing your hair consistently is just as important as showering. No one can tell you how often you should be washing your hair unless they know exactly the type of hair you have. It’s different for every type, just do what you find best.