Am I the only one disturbed by this.

Idk but a lot of my family members worship different.. "Gurus"/holy men.. Like Sai baba., Satya Sai baba, putabharthi Sai baba, Swami prabhupada, and what not. I never understood this... And find it very odd. When there's our god right over there and his teachings can be found, and when there are 1000s of avatar of god.. Why are the worshiping Thes either Gurus, I understand that they may have done a lot for the community and Hinduism itself but there's line between worshiping and being respectful... They often tend to idolize them so much. I'd find it extremely weird. What are your thoughts.

EDIT :- I respect these guru ofc its right there in our slokas too " mata, pita, guru and then devo". But ofc you can't compare these now "popular" saints to the original real ones who have achieved salvation. There are lot of ones who see this as a business as well. And often times is that... Because of worship of these Gurus.. And I actually mean worship... They tend to forget about our gods. And don't worship them... This might be just what I've come across and not the case for everyone but I've seem a number of isckon devotees completely disregard shiva.. Andin fact find him.. Inferior??.. I myself visit isckon temples and we donate a lot to them as well.