Am I losing efficiency since my installer parked my unit right against my house?


Reading into it now, my unit is supposed to have a foot of clearance behind it and have five maybe six inches or so behind the unit. There's also tubes behind it so I'm sure that also occupies some of the limited space.

It was placed so close to the wall because an attached shed is on the left and it allows that door to open fully. It was also the most optimal position considering where the indoor units are. Otherwise it would have needed to be mounted against the wall severalf feet further along the house.

My electric bill has been a bit higher than I would like. But this is my first house and I've just recently closed a bunch of drafts in the home. Temperature control is good, just wish my electric bill wasn't so high. So was curious if the unit was actually at maximum efficiency

My install manual

It seems if there isn't side clearance, there should be a foot behind the unit (which there isn't)